Sunday, January 30, 2011

More Summer In January

Had another beautiful week and we enjoyed being outdoors as much as possible. Sofie cut one tooth and it looks as if another one may be coming up next to it, she's definitely teething a lot so I think there may be a bunch coming out all at once. She's been sleeping for longer stretches but taking a really long time to fall asleep. She caught a mild cold at the end of the week, hoping for a speedy recovery.

Checking out her convertible!

Drumming in music class.

Sofie is really into plants and flowers, wants to pick everything on our walks.

Sofie got some new shoes, hoping she'll actually wear them, she has refused to wear any excpet one pair so far which she is about to grow out of.

Sofie loves Elmo. she always manages to spot him wherever we go!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Little Miss Independent

Another busy week! Sofie is cutting a new tooth, on the bottom right but by the way it's been bothering I have a feeling there's more on the way. Sofie is on a very independent streak lately, wants to do everything herself and especially wants to walk everywhere, she refuses to ride in the stroller which means walking anywhere takes extra long now!

Sofie loves hanging her head back in the swing and taking in the sunshine.

Fun with instruments in music class!

Walking, walking walking!

Sofie likes to get acrobatic with Dad before bedtime.

Sofie loves climbing on the furniture, can't turn around for a second without her suddenly on top of the chair.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

SoCal Winter Days

We had a lot of gorgeous weather and a very fun, busy week. Sofie had her first Swim and Gym class at the YMCA on Monday, which she loved. She especially liked the gym part, which I new she would considering how much she loves to climb on everything these days! We also started back in music class again on Wednesday and hit the playground as much as possible to enjoy the beautiful sunny weather. Sofie has started in with bad teething again and is not sleeping well, but otherwise we are all finally feeling better and over our colds thankfully.

Sofie discovered walking along the barriers on the beach path, she hit an independent streak this week and wanted to walk everywhere, refusing to ride in her stroller or even the carrier.

Sofie loves slides! She is starting to get the hang of sliding down on her own, though she is so light-weight she almost goes flying off of some of the steeper ones.

On Sunday we had a playdate in the park with the Brunos and Sofie's friend Lincoln. The first thing Sofie did was run up and snag the truck Lincoln was carrying and then take off.

We took a few sunset walks with Charlie along the bluffs this weekend, Sofie had a blast running around and saying hi to people and other dogs.

We've got toys galore, this is the usual sight at the end of the day, looks like a tornado blew through!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Girl Who Wouldn't Nap

Sofie is sixteen months old today! We've had a rough week sleep-wise, though Sofie's been doing well at night she has been having a hard time napping. Finally figured out we should push it a little later which has helped though she still refused to take one entirely twice this week and we're thinking it may be due to a new round of bad teething.

Sofie likes to imitate a lot of our actions now, she had fun "brushing" her hair with my hairbrush.

After a lot of gloomy weather, we finally got some sunshine and Sofie loved soaking it in!

Sofie is finally getting interested in trying new foods, this week she added pasta, rice and apples to her limited menu she's willing to eat.

Sofie LOVES to give kisses now, which Daddy and I really love getting too!

She's also really into climbing now and really likes to get up on the couch and flop around.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Brand New Year!

Sofie had another decent night and started the new year this morning playing a rousing game or "hi!" and "bye!", one of her favorite things to do, she runs out of the room saying bye then comes back in arms flung back saying hi. Finally had some nice weather today and we spent the morning at the beach playground. Sofie took a short nap and then we took a long walk with Charlie in the neighborhood. Sofie's cough seemed slightly better today, so hopefully she's on the mend.

It's hard to believe it's been a whole year since we started this blog, we took a trip down memory lane and checked out the posts from the year, it's amazing to see how much Sofie has changed and grown in just a year. For 2011 we've decided to scale back the blog a little bit, we've really enjoyed the project, but since Sofie has gotten older and we're more on the go, it's been hard to keep up with the posting. We plan to post once a week with pictures and videos compiled from the week. Looking forward to seeing Sofie continue to grow!