Friday, April 30, 2010

Moody Mouth

This picture pretty much sums up Sofie's mood all day. After a long night last night, she was very cranky today thanks to some bad teething. Did manage a couple walks and had some squash which despite this face she seemed to enjoy.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Playing With Mormor

Still not great sleep last night but better. Sofie was tired and a little grouchy again, but we had a nice time spending the day with Mormor Lillemor!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Being Green

Had a fairly decent nights sleep last night and Sofie was in a much better mood today. We decided to be "green" and walk to the grocery store this morning. Sofie really enjoyed checking out the traffic and people in the neighborhood and at the store.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Baby Time!

We attended our first Mommy and Me class today, Baby Time at the Santa Monica Library. Sofie had fun, mostly just enjoyed seeing other babies. Otherwise a very grouchy day and more bad sleep thanks to bad teething. Hoping for some rest soon!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Couch Grouch

Slightly better night last night, still a lot of wake-ups though. Sofie was very tired and grouchy today, and teething pretty bad. She didn't feel like doing much but we managed a few walks and some errands to pass the time.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spoon Guide

Another bad night, Sofie was up at 3am with teething pain and couldn't go back to sleep for awhile so we had a mellow day at home. Ate some more pears and Sofie now likes to help put the spoon in her mouth.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dino Fair!

Another bad night of sleep and still fighting the cold, but we made it out to the Dino Fair at the school next door to us where Sofie enjoyed checking out the animals at the petting zoo. Started solids again today with some pears and after a long afternoon walk she was really tired by bed time.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Under The Weather

Sofie definitely caught a cold, which we are all now fighting. She was up most of the night again last night so we had another mellow day at home with a quick doctor visit to make sure it's not anything serious, still had energy for some playing and smiles though!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Diaper Duty

Had another rough night last night and Sofie woke up with a runny nose which continued all day, not sure if it's a cold coming on, allergies or just part of the bad teething. We had a mellow quiet day trying to recuperate except for a quick diaper run to the store.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Home Again, Home Again

Our first rough night of sleep the entire trip last night, so traveling was a little more rough for all of us today, but Sofie still did pretty well on the plane coming home. Very tired and teething the rest of the day.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

No Sleep Till Kansas City

Said goodbye to grandma and grandpa today and headed back to KC, we'll miss them but they'll be out to see us in LA next month. Apparently, unlike millions of other children Sofie has decided she doesn't like to sleep in cars and stayed awake the entire three hour car ride, needless to say she was exhausted by the time we made to our friends the Cherras. Had just enough energy for a short visit with her uncle Dewey then off to bed early. Hopefully she'll rest up tonight for the plane ride in the morning.

Monday, April 19, 2010

New Four Legged Friend

Sofie is having a great time visiting with Grandma and Grandpa Warkentin and made a new friend in their dog Brandy, hopefully Charlie won't be too jealous! Aside from all the new people and things on our trip Sofie has been doing a lot of new things herself, really working hard on crawling and she didn't want mommy to feel left out after all the "dadas" she's been saying so today she also said "mama."

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Playing With Grandma

Sofie had lots of fun playing and shopping with Grandma Georgann today! Thanks for all the new clothes Grandma and Grandpa! Sofie has also been babbling nonstop the last two days and said "dada" for the first time today.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Sofie slept really well again last night after a long, but fun day of new adventures! We had more visiting with friends in KC today and then a long car ride to Newton, KS in which she crashed out for awhile, then finally made it to Grandma and Grandpa Warkentin's!

Friday, April 16, 2010

First Flight

So proud of Sofie today, after another good nights sleep we had a long day on her first airplane flight and then visiting with friends in Kansas City, and she did so much better than all the nightmarish scenarios I had been envisioning, even managed a nap on the plane! Still teething bad, but all in all a good day.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Typing Skills

Sofie is obsessed with the laptop, so we squeezed in a little "typing" time before bed. She finally slept most of the night last night with just two wake-ups to nurse! Spent all day teething pretty bad and still very tired. Definitely think she is gearing up for crawling, she wants to spend all her time on her belly all of a sudden, but seems a little frustrated that she still hasn't figured how to get moving yet.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Moving Along...

Another long night and a really bad day of teething today. Wondering if maybe Sofie is working on crawling, she suddenly wants to spend all her time on her belly, doing push-ups and scooting in circles-- and she's not usually a fan of tummy time.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Grouchy Girl

Another long night last night and very fussy day today, still a mystery what exactly is going on, not sure if it's teething, tummy troubles, reaction to the shots or all of the above. Really hoping Sofie feels better soon so we can all get some much needed rest.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Girl's Best Friend

Sofie has been taking more and more interest in Charlie, unfortunately for Charlie that basically means grabbing and pulling fistfuls of his fur, luckily he is a sweetheart and takes it in stride. Had another long night and day, the prunes seemed to work a little too well and we were up starting at 5 a.m., Sofie got her flu shots and was tired and grouchy most of the day.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Prunes Anyone?

Had a mellow tired day today after being up several times last night, Sofie was making up for not nursing much during the day. The prunes seemed to help her stomach though, so we had some more today, she ate them up, but as her face suggests it's definitely not her favorite meal so far.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Visit to the Damms!

Finally made it over to see Paul and Kristal in their new place! Loved it! Can't wait to have more visits with them, and are excited for their new baby girl which will be here in 6 weeks! Sofie is looking forward to a having a new play pal!

We had a busy morning though, dad made a trip to the store for some prunes. It helped move things along, but she is still a very cranky tired girl. Hope this ends before we head east on Friday!

Friday, April 9, 2010

7 Months Old

We can hardly believe Sofie is seven months today! We've now had three long months of teething but still no teeth, hoping we see some before this time next month. We had a fairly good nights sleep last night finally, but still tired and fussy today. We had a doctor visit to get Sofie's second round of flu shots, but she had a slight fever so we have to go back next week, she did weigh in though at 12 lbs. 15 oz., she gained 14 ounces in just three weeks!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Day 100

Our hundreth day of posting! Love this project, it's so great to be able to look back and see how much Sofie has grown and we already have hundreds of pictures of her and she's not even a year yet. Still tired, grouchy and teething last night and today and still trying to figure out the source of her nightwakings, at this point I'm thinking it's all linked to the teething. We enjoyed another afternoon at the park today.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sitting At The Park

Spent the afternoon at the park after yet another bad night and morning. We are thinking now that maybe bad gas is what's been waking her up the last few night, she couldn't even make it through her naps today either. Taking a break from the solids till it clears up and then well try something different.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Big Girl Stroller!

Once again no sleep-- feel like a broken record! Not sure if it's just the teething or if she has a slight cold too. We took a walk to the store today and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Just started using the stroller without the car seat recently, Sofie likes seeing the sites, but I have to check in with her every once in awhile and let her know I'm still there.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Chew Monster

More bad sleep and lot's of teething, Sofie was chewing on absolutely everything she could get her hands on -including her hands! She's also been really congested, not sure if it's teething related or possibly a slight cold.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

We celebrated Easter at Grandpa Ali and Grandma Lucy's, complete with Sofie's first Easter Egg Hunt! She was still very tired and grouchy today after another (slightly less) rough night and more teething. Chewing on her plastic Easter Eggs was fun though!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sleepless In Santa Monica

Yet another long rough night and a very tired, grumpy girl today. Her gums are so sensitive she doesn't even like the teethers at this point, just soft toys and washcloths to chew on. Really hoping we see some teeth soon and put her out of her misery.

Friday, April 2, 2010

April Fool?

We thought maybe Sofie had just been playing a long April fools joke on us, and actually slept thought the night last night, but boy were we wrong. Another night of up all night, every couple hours, still no sign of teeth. Still very grouchy, and not happy about these darn teeth.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Teething Troubles

Another really rough night last night, Sofie was awake almost every hour! Her teething seems to be the culprit and was really bad all day too. Daddy stayed home to help out today after the long exhausting night and we caught a few smiles after Sofie woke up from her afternoon nap.