Monday, May 31, 2010

Making A Splash!

Had another rough night last night, but a fun day today! Spent the afternoon at Grandpa Ali and Grandma Lucy's and Sofie had her very first dip in the pool and loved it!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Grouchiest Girl at the Beach

We've been sucked back into the vortex of bad sleep. Sofie was up all night, had a hard time napping this morning, then outright refused to take an afternoon nap thanks to really bad teething. Despite her grouchiness, it was a beautiful day so we decided to head down to the beach and relaxed on the grass behind the sand. Then took a long walk along the beach before heading home for an early bedtime.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bouncing Baby

A mellow morning after a decent night's sleep and then we had a trip to Babies R Us this afternoon to buy Sofie a new bouncer, which she seemed to really like. Before bedtime we took a walk along the beach with Charlie and enjoyed the beautiful summer weather!

Friday, May 28, 2010

This big!

Had an okay night but Sofie's been dealing with an upset stomach since we tested to see if she if she still has a dairy protein allergy, and the answer, unfortunately is yes. Had another mellow morning at home, then running errands this afternoon. Sofie's new favorite game is when we say "how big is Sofie?" then raise her arms up and say, "this big!"

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Who You Gonna Call?

An okay night but Sofie was up at 5am this morning which led to a long tired day. It rained most of the morning so we decided to skip Baby Time since we usually walk and spent most of the day just hanging out at home, working on crawling and standing. I have been trying to teach Sofie to wave for a few weeks and she finally waved for the first time to Daddy as we were out walking this evening.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunny Days...

Another decent night's sleep last night but still tired and teething today. Despite the forecast for rain we had a beautiful sunny today, getting closer to summer! Sofie is spent most of the morning working on standing, holding herself up on the edge of the couch and then we walked to the store this afternoon.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Had a good night's sleep last night, but still tired and teething today. It was warm and sunny, so we went for a long walk with Charlie this morning and then strolled to the park this afternoon.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Moving Upwards

A mellow Monday after an okay night's sleep. Said goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa Warkentin, a short visit and sad to see them go, but we enjoyed seeing them! Tried some apples today but Sofie was not a fan. She's been working on standing up the last few days, she has the strength to stand but not the balance yet.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Swing Time!

Had a fairly good night's sleep last night and had a great day hanging with Grandma and Grandpa Warkentin today. We braved the breezy, cool weather for a short trip to the park where Sofie rode a swing for the second time ever, first time she was unsure, but this time she really enjoyed it!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Food Critic

Had a mellow Saturday at home today teething pretty badly. Tried some avocado this afternoon and Sofie was not loving it, clearly she's not a fan of green colored foods.

Friday, May 21, 2010

I'll Have the Straws Please

Had a slightly better night's sleep, but still tired and teething today. We had brunch at the Omelet Parlor this morning before Grandma and Grandpa headed off to the HSP conference for the next two days. Sofie's favorite part of eating out is chewing on straws.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

First Dinner Out

A fun and busy day today, went to Baby Time this morning and then picked up Grandma and Grandpa Warkentin from the airport. We had an early dinner at Enterprise Fish Co, which was our first dinner out with Sofie and she did great!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Another mellow day of playing at home, cold but no more rain today so we were able to walk to the store this afternoon. Still tired and teething but excited to see Grandma and Grandpa Warkentin who arrive tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Rain kept us in all day again so we had to find ways to stay entertained. Sofie likes it when I hide behind corners and pop out yelling "boo!", which makes Charlie bark and in turn makes her laugh louder, so we played a few rounds of that this afternoon. Otherwise just hung out, played and worked on crawling and teething.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday, Rainy Monday

Had a rough night and day today, Sofie refused to take her morning nap so she was tired and grouchy (and of course teething) the whole day. The gloomy weather matched her mood and kept us indoors. When we finally ventured out to walk Charlie this afternoon, it started raining halfway through and without an umbrella Sofie experienced her first rain sprinkles!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Spring Cleaning

We had a busy day running errands this morning and then cleaning the apartment this afternoon to get ready for a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Warkentin later this week. And Mormor Lillemor stopped by for quick visit and walked with us before bed. Still tired and teething pretty bad, we have to be close to some teeth!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday In The Park

Had a mellow morning trying yams and going for a walk with Dad. Then spent a fun the afternoon in the park hanging out with our good friend Dwayne and his boys, Justin and George.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Flower Power

Had a better nights sleep last night but still tired and teething bad today. We had a mellow morning and then checked out some flowers on our walk to the store this afternoon. Sofie is really into flowers lately, she loves looking at all the flowers in the neighborhood when we walk and gets excited when I point them out to her.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Park Pals!

Had a full day today, Baby Time at the library, which Sofie was really into this time, and then an afternoon in the park with our pal Brooke. Sofie was pretty crabby and tired though, didn't nap well today and of course still teething and bad sleep.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Clap, Clap!

Sofie just learned to clap and she showed off her new skill today when she ate her carrots, clapping after every bite, I guess that means she likes it! Spent the afternoon in the park enjoying the beautiful weather and working on crawling, she can now move from the sitting to crawling position on her own. Otherwise still tired, teething and more bad sleep.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Cruising Along

Had our worst night yet last night, so we were all very tired today. We had a mellow day at home napping, teething and working on crawling, she's getting bolder in picking up her hands now and cruising along in every direction but forward.

Monday, May 10, 2010

So close...

Dad stayed home today to help out as a Mother's Day gift. Sofie was one grouchy girl all day, her teething seems to be really painful and not much is helping relieve it. She's also still working really hard on crawling and is getting really close, she seems to be moving in every direction but forward, which adds to her frustration.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!/ 8 Months Old

Sofie is 8 months old today and we had a busy day! Celebrated our first Mother's Day having breakfast with Mormor Lillemor at the Farmer's Market this morning, hanging at the park with Charlie this afternoon and then tried some carrots before bed. Sofie was tired and cranky most of the day, she is working really hard on crawling and seems to be frustrated that she's only able to move backwards so far.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sophie For Sofie

Had a mellow sleepy morning and then a beautiful family afternoon in the park. Sofie loves her new Sophie the Giraffe Teether that Daddy got her yesterday! Thinking Sofie maybe going through some sort of growth spurt again, she's been nursing non-stop, round the clock the last few days, hoping we get a break and some much needed sleep soon.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Teething Fun

More bad sleep and really bad teething today, frozen washcloths are about the only thing keeping her happy. We had a mellow morning and then spent the afternoon visiting our friend Greg.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Busy Day

A very rough night and more bad teething, but we had a full day today! Baby Time at the library this morning, park this afternoon and two walks with Charlie. Sofie is working hard on crawling, she can now get up on all fours and slowly shoves her way backwards so it shouldn't be long now!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

No More Peas Please

Rough night last night, up every two hours and still teething really bad today. Sofie tried some peas today and was clearly not a fan, guess we'll be moving on to something else! Spent the afternoon with our friend Brooke and Sofie actually happily let Brooke hold her, something unusual these days as Sofie's been having stranger anxiety the last month. I guess we know who we'll be calling when we need a babysitter!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Foggy Walk

Went for an early evening walk in the fog after a busy afternoon visiting with our friend Dennis. An okay night but Sofie was teething really bad today, the Tylenol recall has been rough on us!

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood...

Had a better night sleep last night and a full day today, walking to the grocery store and then spending the afternoon in the park. Sofie loved watching the other kids playing and people passing with their dogs.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Squash-y Sunday

A rough night and a mellow day of running some errands and hanging out at home. Enjoyed some tasty squash with Dad!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Family Park Day

It was a windy but beautiful day so we spent the afternoon in the park/dog park, both Sofie and Charlie had a great time! Slightly better sleep last night but Sofie was still tired and teething today.