Thursday, September 30, 2010

Carry Me

A really rough night, Sofie was up several times and then woke up for good at 6am. We had another busy day today, met our friend Brooke at the park this morning and then enjoyed another warm afternoon in the pool at Swim Class.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sandbox Fun

Another rough night, really hoping that tooth pops out soon! We had a busy day today, Music Makers this morning, a long nap and then a big gathering of all the Santa Monica MOMS Groups at the park this afternoon. Sofie had a lot of fun walking and climbing on the playground.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Taco Time!

Went down to the taco trucks on main for dinner. Sofie loved the carne asada, she is a salty meat fan (like her mom)! Another rough night, the top tooth is still bothering her, it's so close. Hoping we will see it soon!

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Splish, Splash!

A rough night, Sofie was up several times but I think it was due to the heat, summer has finally decided to show up a few weeks late! We ran some errands this morning and played at home, Sofie pushed her nap a little, I think she has been resisting them because she's ready to start them later so we're going to try to push it to around 1 and see how that works. After her nap we went to our Activity Group and then paid a short visit to Dad at work.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunny Sunday!

Another fantastic night of sleep, only two wake ups the whole night! Fingers crossed this continues! Sofie was pretty cranky today though, think her teeth were bothering her a lot. Spent the morning running errands and the afternoon in the park enjoying the sunshine. Sofie is walking all over now!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mormor Time!

Had a great night's sleep, Sofie slept for five hours straight for the first time in months! We spent the morning hanging out at home, Sofie refused her nap so we took a brief trip to the park and finally got her down for a short 45 minutes at 3pm. Daddy had to work in the evening so Mormor Lillemor came over for dinner and to help out with bedtime. Sofie had a lot of fun visiting with Mormor!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Walking Time!

Took the day off since I have been super busy. Was nice to have a day with my girls! Sofie started really walking today, goes for about 20 steps then falls. Very exciting! Much better night last night. Sofie is still fighting a stopped up nose which is making her not eat well.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010


A real rough one, Sofie's congestion seems to be waking her up a lot and not really any better today. We went to Baby Time at the library this morning, then Sofie fought taking her nap until 1:45 so she didn't wake up until 4. We took a walk with Charlie and then after a long week of having to work late Daddy finally got to come home early tonight, Sofie was clearly happy to have him home!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Walka Walka Walking

A rough night and still congested today. We went to Music Makers this morning and then walked down to the library and read some books in the afternoon. Sofie spent the evening taking a lot of steps and Mormor Lillemor and a good family friend stopped by for a quick visit just before bed.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sesame Sneak Peek

A rough night and still fighting her cold today. Sofie had her one year check-up this morning, she weighed in at 16lbs 3oz and measured 29.5 inches long, still tiny but she's definitely done some growing in the last month. After her nap it was really overcast and we took a long walk with Charlie at the beach and down Main Street. Sofie checked out a video from the new upcoming season of Sesame Street and she's pretty excited for it to start.

Monday, September 20, 2010


An okay night but still congested and fighting her cold today. We ran some errands this morning then after Sofie's nap we went to the airport to visit Grandpa Ali. Sofie had fun checking out Grandpa's Blackberry and playing a little peek-boo.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sleepless Sunday

Another good nights sleep but Sofie was pretty fussy and congested today. We visited with family down at the Farmer's Market this morning, then Sofie refused her nap so we spent the rest of the day just hanging out at home, finally managed to get her down for a short nap at 4. Caught a glimpse of a very prominent bump on her upper gums at dinner, hoping it comes through soon!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rah Rah Rah!!

Sofie finally slept pretty well last night, but woke up still pretty congested today. We had another mellow day at home, Sofie cheered on the Cats in her new outfit from Uncle Dewey. She took a very long nap and seemed to be feeling a little better by bed time.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Miss Tambourine Girl

A very rough night and Sofie woke up congested and definitely sick this morning. We spent the day at home playing and trying to get Sofie to rest, but she refused to take a nap until she finally crashed out during a feeding at 4, but still woke up tired and cranky. Hoping she gets some rest tonight.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Feeling Magnetic

More bad sleep and bad teething, but Sofie seemed to be feeling okay this morning so we went to Baby Time and then swim class this afternoon, but unfortunately is was pretty cold again so we had to get out of the pool early, not sure if we'll be able to keep attending unless the weather warms up a bit. It was girls night as Dad had to work late and Sofie spent the evening exploring her new favorite spot: the fridge. She loves pulling off the magnets and looking at all the baby announcements. She ate what I would call a full meal at dinner finally, I think due to the fact that I dropped her late afternoon feeding.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Little Under The Weather

Another rough one, but managed a nap today thankfully. Sofie woke up sounding a little congested and wasn't quite herself all day so I think the cold I have finally caught up to her. Music Makers started again today so we went to that this morning, Sofie had a blast as always this class is older, and a few of her playgroup friends are in it. Had a mellow afternoon at home and taking a long foggy walk on Main Street with Charlie. Sofie had an energy burst after dinner and took some more steps, which Dad finally got to see!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Snack Time!

Up every two hours and today Sofie refused to take her nap thanks to bad teething, finally managed a short thirty minutes at 2! We had a busy day otherwise, went to Baby Time at the Main Library this morning and checked out some books. Sofie is getting more interested in looking at books, wanting to hold them and turn the pages herself, instead of just being read to. We had our first Parent & Me swim class this afternoon. Sofie loved being in the pool and was splashing and laughing, though there was a cool wind blowing so unfortunately she got a little cold by the end. Had a quick snack break in the car (her favorite snack: banana and Cheerios) before we headed home.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Kickin' It

Rough night, not sure if Sofie has caught my cold or still just teething bad. Had a pretty mellow day just running errands and hanging out at home. Sofie has been more willing to try new foods, but still not eating large quantities. We are officially done with purees, she has no interest in them whatsoever but she likes to try what we are eating, tonight we had peas and ground chicken patties and Sofie clearly enjoyed a relaxing meal.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Recovery Day

Lazy Sunday, Sofie was very cranky, not sure if getting sick or just tired from yesterday and last night (another rough night up all night). We had pancakes for dinner, Sofie tried, but didn't have much interest in eating too much today. Took a stroll around the neighborhood in the wagon, I used the bubble gun for additional entertainment!

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

First Birthday Party!

A rough night last night but Sofie was a little less cranky about the teething today. We had a mellow morning and then had Sofie's first birthday party this afternoon! Sofie had a great time walking around (holding my hands) nonstop, we had a bubble machine which she loved and a pinata which she befriended and was sad when it was broken, had a tiny bite of her cake. She enjoyed having her baby friends there and overall I think she had a lot of fun!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Checking Out The Playground

An okay night and a little less cranky today. We visited Grandpa Ali at the airport this morning and then went to playgroup at the park this afternoon. So excited for Sofie's birthday party tomorrow, hoping she manages to stave off the cold I've been fighting for at least one more day!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday!!

Another slightly better night, but very cranky and teething bad again today. Dad stayed home so we could celebrate Sofie's 1st Birthday today, so hard to believe it's been a year already it has gone by so fast, but it is pretty remarkable how much she has grown and changed in just one year. We went to Baby Time at the library this morning after opening Sofie's presents, then after her nap we took a trek down to the Santa Monica Pier and Sofie had her first ride on the carousel which she loved. Unfortunately her teeth were really bothering her all day so she wasn't in a great mood, hoping she feels a little better for her party on Saturday.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

All I Want For My Birthday Is My Four Top Teeth...

Another better night last night, still a lot of nursing but Sofie slept longer between wake-ups. Teething was the worst it's been yet today, Sofie was so cranky all day, chomping on everything in sight and crying out on pain randomly. We ran some errands this morning, took a very long nap and then went to the park for a short while this afternoon. It's so hard to believe a year ago we were in the hospital waiting for Sofie to arrive!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Goodbye Summer?

A better night, still waking frequently to nurse but Sofie was settling a lot quicker thankfully. Still cranky and teething bad today. We spent a mellow morning playing at home and then went to the park this afternoon despite the dreary weather, hoping we get a few more days of warm sunshine before summer is officially over!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Lovely Labor Day

A rough night, but finally we got some nice weather today so despite more bad teething we had a great day. Spent the morning running errands and then went down to the grass by the beach for the afternoon. Sofie took a few more sporadic steps this evening! The teething was really bothering her at bedtime though and it took over an hour to get her to sleep, really hoping those teeth cut through soon!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Aiden's Place

A slightly better night, but still teething bad. In the morning we went to order Sofie's birthday cake from a specialty, non-dairy bakery. We spent the afternoon at Aiden's Place in Westwood a really great playground built specially for disabled children, which also makes it perfect for toddlers as the equipment is low to the ground and the entire playground is lined with cushy rubber mats. Sofie had a great time exploring. Later in the evening Sofie took her first two wobbly steps!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Go Cats!!

Another rough one and the teething continues to get worse and worse. Sofie and Daddy went on a bike ride to the beach this morning and then we spent the afternoon watching the K-State Wildcats victory over UCLA in the first game of the season! Went for a victory walk and play in the park after.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dance Party

A real bad night and Sofie was again teething bad today, wanting to be cuddled and held a lot and not much seems to be soothing the pain. Her gums are incredibly swollen and it's definitely clear that she's working on at least four coming out, soon we hope! Spent a mellow morning walking with Charlie and playing at home, took a long nap and then went to playgroup. Sofie is really into music and starts dancing and nodding her head to the beat so we had a little party this evening before dinner. Looking forward to the long weekend!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Teeth Come Out, Come Out...

A rough night and the worst teething so far today, Sofie was chomping on everything (especially her hands) nonstop. We went to Baby Time at the library this morning then took a very long walk with Charlie and played at home this afternoon. Sofie has started "dancing" more to music, really moving her whole body and bending her knees, hoping to catch it on video soon!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Summer Reading

A better night last night, but Sofie was up an hour early this morning and was very cranky and teething bad all day. Our errands ran late this morning so Sofie's nap got pushed and she woke up late. The afternoon was cold and overcast anyway, so we took a walk down to the library and read some books.