Sunday, March 27, 2011

It's Raining, It's Pouring

Had a long week of mostly being cooped up from the rain. Can't wait for some warmer weather. Sofie is still teething bad and skipped her nap a few times, I think mostly thanks to not having a chance to burn off energy outdoors.

Sofie likes to "read" to herself now, she will flip through the pages and babble.

Sofie loves music and dance time, which we have every night after dinner.

A little park time during a short rain break.

Sofie's latest food obsession is freeze dried blueberries.

At her friend Ava's second birthday party this weekend. She was tired and being shy but still had fun!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sofie Appleseed

Spent most of the week still recuperating from the stomach bug. Dad had to work a few late nights but was home a few days helping instead, which was nice because Sofie asks for him a lot more when he is not home now. She is very slowly cutting the same tooth, hasn't made much progress and it seems to be bothering her a lot. Sofie is obsessed with apples, she eats two a day! She has started singing a lot too, no words but she loves to vocalize along with songs.

Getting ready to go for a bike ride with Daddy! Sofie loves her helmet.

Sofie was playing and "singing" along, she loves music!

Just a little after dinner wackyness!

Sofie loves her babydoll, she just started taking it with her when we leave the house now.

Had a rainy weekend cooped up inside, but managed to stay entertained eating apples and dressing up in her too big boots.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sickie Sofie

Had a rough week with Sofie waking up in the middle of the night on Wednesday throwing up. She spent the rest of the week fighting the stomach bug which she passed on to mom too. Spent a lot of time reading books, cuddling and watching Yo Gabba Gabba, her new favorite show and eating apples, her new favorite snack.

Sofie didn't feel like sitting in her high chair, or sitting period.

Sofie loves to flip and tumble!

A day of rest, books and Yo Gabba Gabba.

Overdid it when she seemed to be feeling better and had a little relapse. Sofie definitely not enjoying being sick.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Drama Queen

Another busy but fun week. Sofie seems to have a short fuse lately, getting frustrated quickly I think partially due to that fact that there are so many things she wants to communicate but can't. She makes some new expressions, like a scowly face and has some new moves she loves to do like shaking her head back and forth and spinning in circles until she gets dizzy. She has learned more body parts like eyes, and mouth and nose. She spent the tail end of the week cutting her bottom right canine tooth which she's still working on.

Sofie making a fashion statement!

Being super cute at the park!

A bad day of teething led to a major meltdown after this picture was taken, she couldn't decide between holding Abby and eating her Cheerios.

We spent Sunday morning walking at the beach near Malibu. It was cool and overcast but Sofie loved checking out the water and in her true daredevil-ness getting really close to the crashing waves. Can't wait for summer so she can take a dip in the water!

Sofie loves to slide! She's getting better and better at climbing up and sliding down all on her own.