Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rainy Week

We had a short week with President's Day on Monday. Daddy had the day off and took Sofie to Swim and Gym. It rained most of the week, so we were a little cooped up. Sofie is still teething pretty bad, working on her bottom canines it looks like, so her sleep hasn't been fantastic. Sofie had a physical on Thursday and weighed in at 19lbs and 32 inches, tiny but tall!

Sofie checking out with the mannequins on a shopping trip.

Taking a Cheerio break on the way up to the slide.

Watching the rain fall.

Doing some drumming with Dad at the Best Buy.

Sofie is really into pushing now, likes to push the shopping cart and her stroller.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rain and Teeth

A rough week of sleep thanks to more teething and what seemed like a very slight cold. Sofie now has eight teeth total, four on top and bottom and one more just barely poking through on the bottom. We had rain and bad weather most of the week so we tried to keep busy indoor.

Sofie LOVES Elmo! She just can't get enough of the furry red monster.

A fun round of patty-cake with Daddy.

Sofie's new favorite activity, climbing on my back for a piggy-back ride and she won't take no for an answer!

This weekend we took a trip to the California Science Center. Sofie had fun checking out the exhibits.

Her favorite part was the huge aquarium and all the fish!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

17 Months Old!

A fun busy week! Sofie finally got over her cold although she has been teething badly all week and has two more teeth coming out on the bottom, right center and left canine. We had swim and gym class twice this week, had fun at Story Time where Sofie really paid attention and listened the whole time for the first time and we also had a Valentine's activity group, where Sofie made Daddy a Valentine's card. On Wednesday she turned 17 months, can't believe she's almost a year and a half. She's been learning colors this week and we are also trying to work on counting.

Sofie at our annual Swedish ladies birthday brunch, Sofie had fun and enjoyed some tasty bacon.

The teeth are really starting to fill in!

Sofie really loves balloons, she got this one as a Valentine's gift from aunt Margareta at our brunch.

Sofie on her first dinner date with Lincoln! We had so much fun playing in the park and then having dinner with our friends the Brunos today.

Sofie got this babydoll as her Valentine's gift from Grandma and Grandpa Warkentin. She has been really interested in baby dolls for a few weeks now and she has taken to hers immediately, carrying it around and giving it kisses non-stop.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Running Around Town

Sofie started off the week with a slight cold and what seems like another stomach bug. She was also teething bad all week and another tooth is very close to popping through on the bottom. She is walking and pretty much running everywhere. She wants to do everything on her own, definitely figuring out her independence and her vocabulary is expanding rapidly too.

Finally teaching Sofie how to brush her teeth everyday since she is finally starting to get more!

Drumming and singing in music class!

Sofie has learned how to climb up the stairs using the railing rather than just crawling, still hasn't figured out going down yet though.

Sofie and Charlie are definitely interacting a lot more now. She loves to feed him her Cheerios and he loves eating them!

Daddy and Sofie went for a bike ride on Sunday down to the playground. Sofie had fun and Daddy taught her how to go down the slide all by herself!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Swinging In The Sun

Sofie's new favorite thing to do, is to lean her head back and take in the sunshine while she swings.

YouTube Video