Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Finally some rest for Sofie last night and she managed a long nap today. Sofie's cough and congestion was still bad today though. We spent the morning running errands and had a quick visit with Mormor Lillemor. After Sofie's nap we took a walk with Charlie and Sofie figured out how to climb onto the couch all by herself. She rang in the new year sound asleep!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Flash Cards

Sofie's cough is sounding worse and worse, sounding exactly like the terrible one I had. This morning we went to a special music story time at the library, then Dad came home early to start the long weekend and watch the Wildcats play in the Pinstripe Bowl. Sofie's congestion was so bad that she had trouble falling asleep for a nap and only managed a very short, late afternoon one. We took a walk with Charlie and by bed she was pretty exhausted. Sofie loves checking out the flash cards we got her for Christmas, her vocabulary is expanding rapidly, her new favorite words are "up" and "no, no, no".

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sick Day

Daddy stayed home because he wasn't feeling well. Spent the day mainly relaxing, playing on the chair, and with toys. Did make a short trek to Target in the morning. Sofie has a terrible cough, hoping that both daddy and her will feel better soon. A really rough night, not sure if it was the teething or the cold that kept her up.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bouncing Bee

Looks like our run of good sleep is over, a very rough night again last night and Sofie was teething bad and cranky and clingy all day. She also seems to have gotten the same cough I have had. We kept busy all day to try and distract her from the pain, went down to the beach playground this morning and enjoyed the beautiful weather. After a shorter nap Sofie rode in her push car down to the video store and then played a little outside when we got back. Hoping we see some more teeth soon!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Bath Time

Sofie likes to watch Daddy fill the tub up for bath time. Today was a quiet mellow day at home, I was still feeling sick and we had a rough night last night, Sofie was up for over an hour at 4:45 and when she finally fell asleep only slept about 30 minutes until she was up again and ready to nurse. The teething was bad all day and still not sure if she may be on the verge of getting sick too, hopefully not.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Asleep... At Last

It's been taking Sofie forever to fall asleep the last few nights, not sure if it's the teething, which seems to be getting bad again, she's even been biting her clothes. We spent most of the day at home, cleaning out old toys and resting since both Mom and Dad have a stomach bug. Sofie has been very talkative lately and has also been interested in trying new foods the last couple days, like apples and cucumber.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Sofie loved checking out her new car first thing Christmas morning so we went for a ride and walked Charlie right away. She's still to young to understand what exactly is going on with the whole presents thing so we had to help her open them and of course she took the most interest in the squeaky toy for Charlie. After her nap we headed to Grandpa Ali and Grandma Lucy's with Mormor Lillemor to celebrate Christmas with the Safai family. Sofie was a little shy and tired but she had fun running around and playing and was pretty exhuasted by the time we headed home.

Friday, December 24, 2010

God Jul!

Sofie slept well again last night, she has dropped one of her three middle of the night feedings the last few nights, but she woke up really early this morning before 6am. Our Christmas Eve plans were foiled by me waking up with a stomach bug so instead of the party we planned to go to, we stayed home and set up Sofie's present from Mormor Lillemor, a sand table for outside. Sofie was pretty cranky most of the afternoon and evening, seemed like it was teething but, hoping she doesn't catch what I have too.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Is Santa Here Yet?

Another busy day running errands to get ready for Christmas. Sofie loves peering out the window, especially to watch Daddy leaving for work.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Errand Day

Sofie was up early today and tired since she got to bed very late. It was raining most of the day so we spent the morning buying groceries and Sofie helped unpack the bags at home. She took a very long nap and then we met up for a quick visit with our friend Greg.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Leaf Cruncher

Spent the morning getting ready to travel, packing up but still had some time to grab some fresh, cold air in Uncle Dewey's front yard stomping on leaves. Our flight was delayed and so by the time we finally got going Sofie fell asleep immediately for a very overdue nap and was groggy and tired for the rest of the plane ride but still did pretty well.

Monday, December 20, 2010

New Friends

Today we visited with some old friends and their kids. First this morning we saw our friend Brian Rader and his little girl Isla who is almost two, Sofie and Isla were running around and having a lot of fun together. Then after nap we went to our friends the Cherras, where we had a gathering of several friends and their young kids. Sofie enjoyed visiting and running around with the older kids.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Merry Warkentin Christmas

Today we celebrated Christmas at Uncle Dewey's. After a very long nap, Dewey's girlfriend Anita and her children Adam and Ava joined us for Christmas dinner and presents. We had a great time, Sofie really enjoyed playing with the kids and checking out her new toys.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cookie Time!

A long travel day, but Sofie was a trooper, as long as we kept her well-supplied with cookies. She is so obsessed with these ginger snaps that we have to spell out c-o-o-k-i-e when we're talking about them or she'll want one right away! We drove to Kansas City with Grandma and Grandpa to visit with uncle Dewey for the next few days. Sofie made herself right at home at uncle Dewey's, running around the house and playing with the toys that Dewey's girlfriend, Anita, brought over. We all went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant where obviously Sofie had worked up her appetite and she ate more than half of the steak from my dish!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Library Fun

Sofie slept pretty well and we spent the morning playing and shopping for clothes with Grandma. After her nap we decided to check out the Newton Library, where they had a huge children's section and lots of toys to play with, Sofie had a lot of fun pushing around the doll stroller.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

All Bundled Up

Sofie slept well but was pretty cranky from the teething today. Ran around Walmart this morning then after a long nap had some fun playing in the yard, though Sofie seemed to have some trouble moving her arms in her big puffy jacket! We also checked out some shops on Main Street to get out for a bit, we are keeping her on LA time so that means its pretty much dark after her nap, but it's working out so far.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tired Traveller

A very long travel day today but Sofie did so much better than I imagined she would, even managed a nap on our second flight! We made it safe and sound to Newton where we are staying with Grandma and Grandpa Warkentin. Sofie had fun getting reacquainted until bed.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Another early wake-up and after the late night last night that left Sofie pretty tired all day today. We went down to the beach playground this morning in spite of the overcast weather and then checked out a puppet show at the library. Sofie napped early but was still exhausted when she woke up. We spent the rest of the day finishing everything up for our trip to Kansas tomorrow, really hoping Sofie isn't too much of a handful on the plane!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Summertime For Christmas?

Sofie woke early this morning but otherwise had a great night. We went to Moo Moo Musica this morning and Sofie enjoyed the warm weather as we strolled back to the car, as we walked she tried to hold my hand for the first time. After a long nap we played at home and then this evening we went to a Holiday Party for my old work, Sofie had fun exploring the house and seeing everyone, but she was pretty exhausted and went to bed an hour later than usual.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Prep Day

Spent the day prepping for our trip. Walked around outside while Sher packed. Much better night, still teething badly.

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Lounger

A rougher night Sofie seemed wide awake each time she got up and I had a hard time getting her to fall back asleep. We ran some errands this morning then spent the rest of the day at home cleaning and prepping for our trip to Kansas next week. Sofie had a short nap and was pretty tired by bed so she did some lounging in my lap while she watched Sesame Street.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Foggy Play Day

Sofie was up early again today, the teething seems to be back in full swing again and really bothering her. We went to playgroup this morning down at the beach, it was very foggy but Sofie had a lot of fun as usual. She took a long nap and then we ran some errands, so glad it's the weekend!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

15 Months Old

Continuing with better sleep though Sofie is still waking three times to nurse and also been getting up pretty early for the day around 6am. This morning we had a doctor appointment for a vaccine then after we stopped by the airport for a short visit with Grandpa Ali and Grandma Lucy. Sofie took a short nap and we spent the afternoon playing at home.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wagon Walk

Sofie loves a good wagon ride, especially when it's accompanied by bubbles! This morning we went to Music Makers, our last class for the session. Dad was home early from work so after her nap we all went on a walk in the neighborhood. Sofie learned another body part today: head.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Big Bed

A pretty good night. Sofie has now learned how to climb up on top of the bed by herself, I discovered she had climbed up Charlie's dog steps this morning, luckily I found her before she had a chance to fall off. We went to Baby Time at the library, then Sofie took a long nap. Mormor Lillemor came over for a short visit before bedtime.

Monday, December 6, 2010


A really good night and Sofie spent most of it in the crib. She was teething pretty bad again today, wonder if we'll see any new bottom teeth soon. This morning we went to Music Makers to make up for the class we'll miss next week. Sofie really likes checking out the teacher's guitar at the end of class. After her nap we ran some errands and took Charlie for a walk.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Another good night though Sofie woke was up early at 6am. This morning we went to the Swedish Christmas Fair with Mormor Lillemor and Sofie got her first taste of some Swedish Christmas traditions like Lucia. She also tried (and loved) her first hot dog and met Santa! Got home a little late so Sofie had a late nap but she managed to sleep for an hour on her own. Dad took Sofie to the park briefly in the afternoon while I had a meeting but the visit was cut short by some rain. After a long, fun weekend Sofie was exhausted by bedtime.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Holiday Walk

Another decent night mostly in our bed, fairly certain I've created a new sleep crutch but it's better than sleeping in the chair, so oh well, just going to enjoy the cuddling while I can! This morning we ran some errands while Dad worked, then after a short nap we spent the evening down on Main Street, where they had a tree lighting and holiday walk. Sofie really enjoyed taking in the sights especially the carolers.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Having A Seat

An okay night, though Sofie spent most of it in our bed again. Congestion seems to be getting a little better. Caught a glimpse of a fourth tooth on top working its way out. This morning we went to playgroup at Marine Park. After her nap we hung around home and then walked Charlie.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lunchtime Entertainment

A pretty good night though Sofie spent most of it in our bed. We went to Baby Time at the library this morning then finally managed a long nap. Didn't have much time after she woke up so we just walked Charlie and played at home.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Flower Picking

Still can't shake this bad congestion, another weird night, slept for chunks at a time in our bed but still couldn't nurse well. This morning we went to Music Makers then Sofie wouldn't nap at all so we just spent the afternoon hanging out at home and walking in the neighborhood.