Saturday, February 13, 2010

New Hat

Tried out a new hat today on the walk! Sofie seemed to like it!


  1. how do you like your baby bjorn? good support?

  2. It fits my husband better than me, I like to use it for quick walks or if I need to get her strapped on fast but it starts to hurt my back pretty quickly. I definitely prefer the Moby wrap, I'd really like to try a Mei Tai, I noticed you got a Beco, how do you like that?

  3. i am in love with the beco! with the wide waist band it really takes a lot of pressure off your back. i hike 4 miles, three times a week & i hardly feel any low back pain with the beco.

    i also have a mei tai ( that i like too. i prefer the beco for hiking, but babyhawk is great for short walks & quick runs to the target & such.

    oh! & babyhawks are awesome cos you can design one for $85 or so. so pretty & fun.
