Thursday, December 9, 2010

15 Months Old

Continuing with better sleep though Sofie is still waking three times to nurse and also been getting up pretty early for the day around 6am. This morning we had a doctor appointment for a vaccine then after we stopped by the airport for a short visit with Grandpa Ali and Grandma Lucy. Sofie took a short nap and we spent the afternoon playing at home.


  1. august still wakes a lot at night to nurse as well. where are you located? near studio city? you should come to a la lache league meeting! we love our monthly meetings.

  2. Glad we're not alone! Sofie does at least 3 feedings in the night and she still seems genuinely hungry for at least two of them so I'm not planning to wean anytime soon. We're in Santa Monica, but yeah I have thought of checking out La Leche, never thought I would have nursed this long, but it definitely feels right!
